Terminology Working Group
Considerable variability exists in the application of terms to describe the anatomic sites, diagnoses, and morphology (clinical, dermoscopic. and histologic) depicted in skin images. A lexicon of standardized terminology will facilitate teaching, content-based-image-retrieval, and consistent application of ground truth for training and implementing AI algorithms. The goal of the ISIC Terminology Working Group is to derive consensus lexicons that are consistent with broader medical ontologies based on input from the clinical and industry stakeholders, disseminate the consensus lexicons, and encourage adoption of same.
Terminology Consensus
The AI working group's goal is to promote the development of accurate and effective computerized systems to aid melanoma diagnosis and clinical decision support by creating resources for and engaging the dermatology and computer science communities.
We engage our stakeholder communities through meetings, publications and conferences. We also host AI grand and live challenges.
Terminology Consensus

Harald Kittler, MD
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Austria
Medical University of Vienna
Harald Kittler, MD

Working Group Members
Arisedale S. Maria Nuova
Reggio Emilia, Italy
Guiseppe Argenziano, MD
University Hosptial Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland
Ralph P. Braun, MD
Medical University of Graz
Graz, Austria
Rainer Hofmann Wellenhof, MD
University of Sydney at the Sydney Cancer Centre
Sydney, Australia
Scott W. Menzies, MD
Pontificia Universidad Catlica
Santiago, Chile
Cristian Navarrete, MD
Hospital Clinical of Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
Susana Puig, MD
Sheba Medical Center
Tel Aviv, Israel
Alon Scope, MD
New York University
New York, NY, USA
Jennifer Stein, MD
Munich Municipal Hospital Group
Wilhelm Stolz, MD
University Claude Bernard
Lyon, France
Luc Thomas, MD, PhD
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH, USA
Shannon Trotter, DO
Medical University of Graz
Graz, Austria
Iris Zalaudek, MD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY, USA
Ashfaq Marghoob, MD
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
H. Peter Soyer, MD, PhD
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Austria
Philipp Tschandl, MD, PhD
Andreas Sygros Hospital of Skin and Venereological Disease
Athens, Greece
Konstantinos Liopyris, MD
Anatomy Mapper, Bravia Dermatology, Molenda Consulting
Toledo, OH, USA
Matt Molenda, MD
University of Missouri Health System
William Stoecker, MD
Next Steps
Collaborate with the International Dermoscopy Society to refine the lexicon for dermoscopy terminology based on the results of the Expert Agreement Study on Dermoscopy of Melanocytic Lesions.
Define the boundaries of each anatomic region with methods that can be applied to both 2D and 3D skin images.